"The carrots are cooked" message kit

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When it's all over, when it's too late, use humor to play down the situation.

This sowing kit and its message "Carrots are cooked" provides everything needed for a short carrot sowing.

Last items in stock

Place the slab of dehydrated coconut soil in a saucer and sprinkle it with twice its volume of water. It swells instantly. Crumble it between your fingers (it's not messy) and fill the jar. Conserve a small part of the soil.

Sow the carrot seeds on the surface, and cover them with the set aside soil. The emergence is done in a dozen days.

Keep the best carrot, discard the rest.

The Lily of the Valley terracotta pot contains 1 sachet of carrot seeds and 1 slab of dehydrated and compressed coconut earth, 6 cm in diameter

Product size 7 x 7 x 8.5 cm

Language French
Brand Radis et Capucine Reference R&C-039649 EAN13 3598760396497